Building a Better Tomorrow: Young adult
science fiction is thriving, presenting an array of possible futures for
humanity. While YA SF seems to be taking off, many of those stories feature
dark futures. Why might teens be drawn to these types of settings that feature
dystopic settings? Will there be a brighter or better tomorrow for us? Laura
Anne Gilman (m), Troy Bucher, Dan Wells
The participants:
Laura Anne Gilman (YA dark magic fantasy); Troy Bucher (service man, writer);
Dan Wells (post-apocalyptic SF, horror/thriller).
A well-qualified
panel. I would have loved to have listened in on this one; but I absolutely
KNOW that I wouldn’t have been brave enough to have expressed my REAL opinion.
What IS my real
I’m sure it will
irritate anyone who writes YA SF/F. I challenge anyone who disagrees with me to
PROVE that my position is predicated on false presumptions.
I don’t believe
teens are drawn to dark futures. Adults authors write the books, adult editors buy
the books, adult editors edit the books, adults publish the books, adults
market the books, adults BUY the books for libraries and bookstores, adults
recommend the books, adults READ the books, adults review the books, and ultimate
the end result is that teens AREN’T drawn to dark futures.
Dark futures are foisted
off on them by adults grimly determined to either drag teens down into
their dark assessment of the direction the world is going today, or adults who
are irritated by the natural exuberance of youth now that they’re old and creaky,
or they just hate the idea of teenagers and write fiction in which teenicide is
encouraged and glorified.
Don’t get me
wrong, teenagers can be incredibly dark. Teen suicide is epidemic: “Youth
suicide and self-inflicted injury are serious public health concerns. Suicide
is the second leading cause of death among young people ages 15-19 in the U.S.,
according to 2013 data (1). A recent national survey found that nearly 1 in 6
high school students reported seriously considering suicide in the previous
year, and 1 in 13 reported attempting it (2). In addition, approximately
157,000 youth ages 10-24 are treated for self-inflicted injuries in emergency
rooms every year (2). Self-inflicted injuries are not necessarily the result of
suicide attempts; in fact, self-harm without the intent to die is more
prevalent than self-harm with such intent (3). In total, suicide and
self-inflicted injury in the U.S. cost an estimated $45 billion annually in
medical expenses and work loss; actual costs may be higher as many suicides and
attempted suicides are not reported due to social stigma (4, 5).” (
But the fact of
the matter is that most teenagers are positive about the future when they’re on
their own.
Oh, right, I don’t
know ANYTHING about teenagers…oops. I forgot to mention I’ve been a middle
school and high school teacher for 35 years. I’ve been a high school counselor
for the past 5. I have had some experience with what teens do, what they say,
what they read, and what they think about.
I will tell you
that the vast majority are positive about their future and want to make a
positive contribution to the world (keep in mind that the only kids I see these
days are the ones who “have to” see a counselor...this typically excludes the
high-level college bound set…) I understand that I have only my tiny sample of
500 students a year to draw from each year (I either teach or counsel a single
grade-level each school year); the school I work at is 69% non-white, with 40%
of our population on free or reduced lunch programs).
I don’t have
anything else to say to defend my position. I know teenagers – and have for 35
years (including having two of my own) as well as various nephews and nieces.
Very little real
choice is offered to them and the books that ultimately GET to them are chosen
by-and-large by adults. I contend that this is just plain not right.
So, go ahead. Refute
Actually, go
ahead and refute me, PLEASE.
As a professor at OK State University who is married to a Middle School teacher, I couldn't agree more. Most of the teens I work with (or that my wife tells nightly stories about) are very positive, but that doesn't stop them from enjoying the dystopian novels. What I think draws them is the way modern dystopias categorize children and then produce a protagonist that "doesn't fit."
Think of all the state testing, the push toward "what are you going to do for the rest of your life?" and the political stratification they are subjected to on a daily basis. I think dystopias are not about the doom and gloom of the world, but the specialness of not being categorized and being different than what fits.
The panel, by the way, was fun. Laura and Dan are fabulous writers and speakers, and I don't think anyone would have downright disagreed with your assertions.
Next time I have the chance to hear all of you -- maybe I'll have a chance to TALK to you all!
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