December 14, 2018

MARTIAN HOLIDAY 137: DaneelAH & Company

On a well-settled Mars, the five major city Council regimes struggle to meld into a stable, working government. Embracing an official Unified Faith In Humanity, the Councils are teetering on the verge of pogrom directed against Christians, Molesters, Jews, Rapists, Buddhists, Murderers, Muslims, Thieves, Hindu, Embezzlers and Artificial Humans (They are HanAH, the security expert (m); DaneelAH, xenoarchaeologist (m); AzAH, language expert (f); MishAH, pattern recognition (f).) – anyone who threatens the official Faith and the consolidating power of the Councils. It makes good sense, right – get rid of religion and Human divisiveness on a societal level will disappear? An instrument of such a pogrom might just be a Roman holiday...To see the rest of the chapters and I’m sorry, but a number of them got deleted from the blog – go to SCIENCE FICTION: Martian Holiday on the right and scroll to the bottom for the first story. If you’d like to read it from beginning to end (100,000+ words as of now), drop me a line and I’ll send you the unedited version.

“What about Stepan?” DaneelAH said.

“Like I said, he’s a big boy,” said QuinnAH. “If he can’t talk the crazies down from a suicidal riot, then he ain’t who he says he is. Fact, if he gets hisself killed, then seems to me like he don’t serve this god he’s talkin’ about – it’d have to be as ‘maginary as U-fee.” He slithered into the hole.

HanAh gestured to AzAH, then DaneelAH, then MishAH. He looked up to the roof. He couldn’t see Stepan, but knew he was watching. He whispered, “Good luck…” he snorted, changing his invocation, “Your God protect you and go with you, Sir.” He followed the others. A moment later, the wall door and the floor hatch closed. There was a puff of air, and the dust they’d disturbed was evenly sprayed over the exit, and it was gone.

DaneelAH followed the muttering group until they came to a wider room. Pale, biological light came from some growth on the ceiling. “This is where you gotta go down first, cause I gotta close and lock the door.”

“What?” HanAH exclaimed. “There’s no way…”

QuinnAH bent and tugged. A deafening shriek went along with the opening of a circular floor door. “This here tube is a slide into the underground. Once you’re down, I’ll follow and we can catch a car from here to the HOD after I seal up.”

HanAH hesitated. AzAH took a breath and pushed past him. “We’re in this up to our chins. We either go forward…” she shrugged, “There is no ‘or’.” She sat down on the edge of the black hole and pushed up, vanishing. MishAH followed, then DaneelAH.

He said, “Either stay or come. It’s up to…”

“Shut up and go so we can get this over with!” HanAH snarled, shoving him. The sound that followed DaneelAH was clearly laughter.

HanAH turned to the kid, then pointed two fingers at his eyes, turning the same fingers to QuinnAH’s face. “If you hurt any of them, I will either find you and kill you myself, or I will haunt you from the grave.” He dropped down the hole without sitting on the edge.

They slid down a filthy metal tunnel that angled into the Martian crust. Before Stepan could protest, the boy twisted in the tunnel and grabbed Stepan’s wrist, dragging him headfirst into the hole.

The dust was so thick in the enclosed space, he was wondering if they’d suffocate before they reached the bottom. The angle decreased until they rumbled to a rusty, dusty stop.

Standing at the bottom of the cavernous tunnel, lit dimly by a row of LEDs set into the ceiling. They didn’t exactly illuminate the tunnel, but were definitely brighter than the ghostly bio. They waited in silence until QuinnAH popped out next to them, rolling neatly to his feet.

“You done pretty good for old folks.” He hawked and spit. He set off across the platform until they came to a rail. “Walk or ride?”

HanAH snorted, “Burroughs is thirty kilometers across. It takes about five hours to walk across it.”

“When you walk on the surface in the streets.”

“How long does it take through the tunnels?”

“Five hours or thirty minutes.”

DaneelAH frowned as he stepped up to the rail. In the distance he could hear a deep rumbling overlain with a static hum, like a cheap fluorescent lamp from the early 21st Century. “Where are we…”

Quinn lifted a hand that was deep purple in the light. The ground started to shake. “We’ll be in the HOD in thirty minutes.”


The ground shook like the million-year marsquake was about to let loose.

“Get ready!”

“For what?” cried DaneelAH and MishAH together.

“To...” Quinn grabbed them by the wrist and crouched.  “Jump forward when I tell you to!”

An instant later, a circular wall filled the far end of the tunnel, the boy backpedalled abruptly, dragging HanAH and AzAH with him, screaming, “Don’t jump!” He waited for a split second, then screamed, “Run!” dragging them behind him. Then they were running together. He screamed, “Jump!”

They did, and fell in a heap as a noise like a violent rushing wind filled the whole tunnel where they’d fallen.

“What is this?” DaneelAH shouted, his voice over loud in the rumbling, empty chamber they were riding in now.

“A stuffcap. Usually enclosed capsules full of stuff for the HOD. Me and Stepan had to walk to the HOD, but this one was open. Everyone in the underground hitches rides on them have been able to hitch a ride.”

“Thanks, then,” said DaneelAH as he got to his feet.

“For what?” QuinnAH said.

“Saving our lives. We owe you a debt.”

In the flickering light from above, they could see QuinnAH shrug. “Just get the Wilkerson back to his gardens. We need him.”

HanAH said, “Don’t worry about your pet preacher, kid. He can take of himself. But we’ll keep an eye out for him. We have a mission to accomplish,” he gestured to DaneelAH. “You have to gather the evidence, then present it to the Mayors.”

“I can’t do the presentation. I’m not Human.”

AzAH said, “Stepan can do it, but we need to get word to people who can help him.”

HanAH snorted, “Like who?”

“Our mystery guide, Paolo. He seems to know what’s happening on Mars. He’s certainly been manipulating us.”

“I don’t trust him,” said HanAH.

“You don’t trust nobody,” said QuinnAH. “‘at’s why we get along so well.” His street urchin drawl had returned. “I don’t trust nobody, neither.”

AzAH said, “You trust Stepan.”

QuinnAH snorted, then dodging the statement, “Sit and take a breather. Once we get back up and into the HOD, we have to pass through it to get to Breachport.”

“Then we keep on from there. Paolo has some kind of plan to gather the artifacts and change Mars,” said MishAH. HanAH snorted derisively as the stuffcapsule slid through the tunnel deep under the surface of Mars.

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