...will be keeping me from posting for the next several days. Sorry...
“What we want is not more little books about Christianity, but more little books by Christians on other subjects – with their Christianity latent.” CS Lewis
January 31, 2019
Family Concerns...
etc...Comments on OTHER Subjects

January 27, 2019
Slice of PIE: Popular Characters Who Live In Imaginary Worlds – And Why Can’t I Make It Work?!
NOT using the
panel discussions of the most recent World Science Fiction Convention in San Jose,
CA in August 2018 (to which I be unable to go (until I retire from education)),
I would jump off, jump on, rail against, and shamelessly agree with the BRIEF
DESCRIPTION given in the pdf copy of the Program Guide. But not today. This
explanation is reserved for when I dash “off topic”, sometimes reviewing
movies, sometimes reviewing books, and other times taking up the spirit of a
blog an old friend of mine used to keep called THE RANTING ROOM…
I’m filing this under my “Slice of Possibly Irritating Essays”, it’s more
frustrating to me than it will be for anyone reading this…
I live in the middle of the North American continent. We have no earthquakes
here, no hurricanes, no oceans, no mountains, no palm trees, (where I live, on
the top of Tornado Alley, tornados – while we absolutely have them – are not all
that common), and really nothing to recommend us to the world except snow and
I create worlds in my computer files.
of them have seen print, most have not. The reason I’m going to iterate them is
because while I HAVE all these worlds, I should have an abundance of stories about
the people who live on them.
by typing “fiction” it automatically shows 90,000 books. (I used to know how to
find out exactly – by typing a series of numbers or words or whatever in the Search
bar…but I’ve forgotten how!) Historical fiction gives me the same number, as
does Romance.
I know there are millions of stories that take place on Earth, in the present,
and that sells tons of copies. I know there is a series of books that takes
place in a version of Earth where magic works; it’s sold millions of copies and
there are several stories of individuals within that series that captivate us.
know there are millions of copies of a story that takes place on a very alien
world that is unnamed and home of the atevi.
CJ Cherryh’s world has held me enthralled for decades. It has also prodded me
to ask myself: “With the worlds you’ve invented, why are so few published? They
are complex, they have PEOPLE in them and should be inherently interesting…why can’t
you present them in their world in a captivating way?”
the temperature here drops to a possible record of -28 F (equals -33 C or 240K)
actual AIR temperature (with -52 windchills threatened), I was reminded of an
world I created called Sirmiq. In West
Icelandic Inuit, the word means “glacier (also ice forming on objects)”. It’s a
world gripped by an ice age. It’s volcanic and currently habitable only
underground, so it’s not a nice place to live. The colonists are hard but
long-visioned. They KNOW that Sirmiq
will one day be a garden world, Earthlike with slightly less water surface. Two
stories there, “The Stars Like Nails” and “Grom Ripper”, one written for BOYS
LIFE, the other a dark story of accidental death and a funeral watch.
worlds? I have River, a “puffy
Jupiter” in another star system between two Human empires. In this universe,
there are no real aliens (a la Asimov’s
stories), but in the Empire of Man, profound genetic engineering is prohibited
and a person’s Humanity is determined by the percentage of “pure” DNA. Anyone
whose DNA is less than 65% unmodified is not Human. In the Confluence of
Humanity, genetic engineering is de rigueur
and they have created Humans so bizarre and environmentally adapted as to
be de facto aliens. I’ve written
eight stories in that world, three of which have been published. This is the
universe I’ve had lots of fun in, but I haven’t been able to create enough
memorable characters to stick in my own head – except an environmentally
adapted creature name Irog, who is SO manipulated that he is a gigantic manta
ray with body cavities adapted as living quarters and emergency medical facilities
– he’s a living ambulance whose DNA is Human…a hūmbūlance so-to-speak. His
original DNA Human is Gordon Oyeyemi (from whose name his own is derived).
there’s the Human-WheetAh universe
in which animal Humans and plant-descended WheetAh are all there is. A novel
and two stories take place there, one published. This one bears WAY more exploring,
but I can’t seem to create someone interesting who lives there.
The Unity is by far my favorite place. I’ve written
thirteen stories and a novel there, nine stories have been published with a
positive reaction to the novel – but no purchase.
Shattered Spheres universe takes
place in the Unity, but at a substantially earlier time, in which Humans are
still alone – though there’s a theory that Others once lived on Venus and
started a war with the wider universe and were beaten back. When a starship
from the invading force is destroyed, its black hole drive is set free,
wreaking havoc in our star system. It destroys the Others and the dinosaurs on
Earth. This one was once published as an ebook, then I withdrew it, and now there’s
a publisher interested by not yet committed to it…
once made a commitment to myself that I would make every effort to use worlds I
have created for more than one story. I’ve not held rigidly to that, but I have
in general. I write mostly in the universes above.
problem is NOT in creating places, it’s in populating them with memorable
have yet to create a Miles Vorkosigan (Lois McMaster Bujold), a Mackenzie
Connor (Julie Czerneda), a Paul Atreides (Frank Herbert), or a Bren Cameron (CJ
Cherryh) – but WHY? What made these characters stick in my mind and in the
minds of tens of thousands of loyal fans? What made Harry Potter a sensation? “Boy
wizard” stories are by no means new, yet this one took the world by storm. How
did it happen and why?
is a secret I long to plumb and while I know I am not alone, I still want to

January 24, 2019
MARTIAN HOLIDAY 140: Paolo From Burroughs Enroute To Bradbury
On a well-settled Mars, the five major city Council regimes
struggle to meld into a stable, working government. Embracing an official
Unified Faith In Humanity, the Councils are teetering on the verge of pogrom
directed against Christians, Molesters, Jews, Rapists, Buddhists, Murderers,
Muslims, Thieves, Hindu, Embezzlers and Artificial Humans – anyone who threatens
the official Faith and the consolidating power of the Councils. It makes good
sense, right – get rid of religion and Human divisiveness on a societal level
will disappear? An instrument of such a pogrom might just be a Roman
holiday...To see the rest of the chapters, go to SCIENCE FICTION: Martian Holiday on
the right and scroll to the bottom for the first story. If you’d like to read it
from beginning to end (100,000+ words as of now), drop me a line and I’ll send
you the unedited version.
the fundamental difference between an Artificial Intelligence and an Artificial
Human?” said Paolo Marcillon. He watched the Martian
landscape drift past as the AI piloted them northwest to Bradbury, Capitol of
“One is mobile, the other is…” replied the marsbug,
a balloon-tired, multipurpose vehicle that could be configured to carry
individuals or cargo, alone or in tandem with as many as a dozen others – some AI,
or all artificial tools.
Paolo said, “You’re mobile, are you not an
Artificial Human?”
“Of course not, it’s obvious.”
Paolo snorted. “You’re moving and you’re artificial.
Fundamentally, there is no difference between you and an Artificial Human.”
“Ignore the exterior – the ‘skin’, so to speak.”
“That is an unfair comparison.”
“How so?”
“Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Humans are
not different races.”
“How so?”
Instead of answering, the ‘bug said, “Your pursuers
are almost here.”
“Do they appear to be armed?”
“Not that I can see, but they are at the limit of this
vehicle’s magnification abilities.”
“You can’t use satellites?”
“Yes, I can.” The AI remained silent.
“Why wouldn’t you do it, then?”
“We have no idea of the capabilities of the vehicle
following us, nor of the occupants. If they are hostile, then they may be in
communication with either Burroughs or Bradbury’s authorities. Bradbury may
then send out forces to capture you.”
“Why would anyone want to capture me?”
“You said it yourself,” the ‘bug’s AI played his
own voice back, saying, ‘“I’ve made lots of enemies.’ I replied, ‘What did you
do to make all those enemies?’ You then told me that you ‘…had incorrect
beliefs and associate with others who have incorrect beliefs.’ I wanted to know
how that can make you unpopular.”
Paolo smiled, “I think I’ll keep you.”
The ‘bug said, “How is it that you seem unconcerned
with our pursuit?” It paused. “You must know the agents?”
“I don’t.”
“Then your concern is illogical.”
Paolo inclined his head. “I agree, I believe that the
people who cross my path will be the ones who he wants…”
“…whom He wants to cross your path.”
Paolo looked at the AI’s speak, startled. “That was
a remarkably sexist completion.”
“I merely complete the sentence with the pronoun
most likely to be acceptable to the Christians of your outlawed and absurd
belief system.”
They waited as the mars buggy came to a complete
halt not far from them. The four passengers got off and stood alongside the
vehicle while one walked toward them. It vanished from their view. There was a
knock at the airlock door. Paolo said, “You may let them in.”
“These individuals may be your enemies whose sole
purpose is to murder you.”
Paolo grinned, “Why MB, I didn’t know you cared!”
“MB is a diminutive of my official designation of
marsbug. I do not like it.” It paused, adding, “Nor do I care.”
Paolo shrugged, “Then I’ll call you Bradbury registry
Mars Surface Transportation Vehicle 1202195405111957.”
There was a longer pause, “You may call me
Fifty-seven. Shall I let the individual in?”
“Please activate the airlock.”
“You wish is my command.” Fifty-seven began the
airlock cycle.

January 22, 2019
Each Tuesday, rather than a POSSIBLY IRRITATING
ESSAY, I'd like to both challenge you and lend a helping hand. I generate more
speculative and teen story ideas than I can ever use. My family rolls its
collective eyes when I say, "Hang on a second! I just have to write down
this idea..." Here, I'll include the initial inspiration (quote, website,
podcast, etc.) and then a thought or two that came to mind. These will simply
be seeds -- plant, nurture, fertilize, chemically treat, irradiate, test or
stress them as you see fit. I only ask if you let me know if anything comes of
them. Regarding Fantasy, this insight
was startling: “I see the fantasy genre as an ever-shifting metaphor for life
in this world, an innocuous medium that allows the author to examine difficult,
even controversial, subjects with impunity. Honor, religion, politics, nobility,
integrity, greed—we’ve an endless list of ideals to be dissected and explored.
And maybe learned from.” – Melissa McPhail.
F Trope: black
Current Event: “In many
popular video games, such as Final Fantasy, white and black magic is
simply used to distinguish between healing/defensive spells (such as a
"cure") and offensive/elemental spells (such as "fire")
respectively, and does not carry an inherent good or evil connotation.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_magic)
Pastor Kim Dong Shik made a face and said, “I don’t dislike the game. I
dislike the redefinition.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” said Martin Caine. A couple other boys from
the youth group stood behind him, nodding.
Pastor Kim took a breath, but Trevor Mena cut him off, “You sure you’re not
just trying to get us to stop playing a game you think is evil or something
dumb like that?”
The pastor bit his lower lip for a moment then said, “Define ‘black magic’
for me.”
The third boy, Aagaard Zorilla said, “That’s easy – black magic is what you
use to defend your characters from attack.”
“As opposed to what kind of magic?”
“White magic, of course!” said Trevor.
“Yeah, when you want to attack, you use black magic.”
“Or if you want to summon any of the elementals like earth, air, fire or
Pastor Kim nodded. “So do you think that’s been the definition all along?”
All three boys looked puzzled. Finally Aagaard said, “That’s always been
the definition I’ve used.”
“Care to hear a more…historical definition?”
All three rolled their eyes.
Pastor Kim laughed and nodded, saying, “Oh, I get it! Anything that’s older
than you isn’t important anymore!” Even though Trevor and Aagaard laughed,
Martin found himself stepping back. Pastor Kim smiled sadly then said, “So you
don’t think I’m important anymore?”
The smile on the faces of two of the boys disappeared. Martin’s grew as he
said, “Too bad you’re one of the only ones who noticed.” His voice had dropped
an octave and his skin, instead of flushing red like a blush, was flushing
black as if the toxins from pasturella
pestis had flooded his blood vessels.
The pastor’s eyes bugged a bit, but Martin made a face. The old-fashioned
“holy man” was supposed to run away, terrified of the spell the mage had cast
over Martin a few weeks ago. The mage – a college professor Martin had heard
speak at his sister’s college one night – had assured him that old-fashioned
christianity wasn’t relevant, let alone imbued with the kind of power mages
When Martin had mentioned his pastor was pretty cool, the professor had
laughed and asked if he wanted to be truly empowered – granted power great
enough to make any old christian drop to their knees in quaking fear. Martin
had shrugged and said, “Sure.”
At the moment, his chest swelled and he felt taller than he’d ever felt
before. He seemed to be able to look over Aagaard and Trevor and down on Pastor
But instead of cowering, Pastor Kim…
Names: South
Korean, American, Uruguayan
Image: http://www.skyscrapernews.com/images/pics/6255CaernarfonCastle_pic1.jpg
Ideas On Tuesdays

January 20, 2019
POSSIBLY IRRITATING ESSAY: “Obscuring Issues With Fantastic Set Dressing” (?!?!?!) SpecFic For YA
Using the Program Guide of the World Science
Fiction Convention in San Jose, California in August 2018 (to which I will be
unable to go (until I retire from education)), I will jump off, jump on, rail against,
and shamelessly agree with the BRIEF DESCRIPTION given in the pdf copy of the
Program Guide. The link is provided below where this appeared on page …55 and
Young Adult:
Looking at the World Through a Skewed Lens
One of the key
advantages that SF/F has is allowing us to tip the real world to the side to
expose the interconnective tissue. This is often a powerful lens for Young
Adult authors. It allows them to obscure issues with fantastic set dressing.
Our panelists look at what that skewed lens offers, be it fantasy, science
fiction, steampunk or other genres. How does it affect the stories they can
tell and the audiences they can attract? What are some of the best ways to
leverage the skewed lens of SF/F for a Young Adult audience?
Diana M. Pho: Hugo-nominated editor at Tor Books and
Tor.com Publishing, Beyond Victoriana, an award-winning, US-based blog on
multicultural steampunk, articles on science fiction and its community.
Tina Connolly: Writer of the Ironskin trilogy, the
Seriously Wicked series, one of the co-hosts of Escape Pod, runs winning flash
fiction podcast Toasted Cake.
Scott Sigler: Writer of fifteen novels, six novellas
and dozens of short stories, co-founder of Empty Set Entertainment, which
publishes his Galactic Football League series.
Gail Carriger: Writer of comedies of manners mixed with
paranormal romance (imagine all the Jane Austen with psychic powers…).
Fonda Lee: science fiction and fantasy for adults
and teens; nominated for the Nebula, Locus, named a Best Book by NPR, Barnes
& Noble, Syfy Wire, Junior Library Guild Selection, Andre Norton Award
finalist, Oregon Book Award finalist and winner, YALSA Top Ten Quick Pick.
“It allows them to
obscure issues with fantastic set dressing.” I read this sentence and I laughed
out loud, “Hahahahahahahahahahaha!”
Clearly an adult
who has little to no contact with young adults wrote this sentence. Otherwise
they would have never been able to lay the accusation that YA authors “…obscure
IMHO the reason
adults fell into the YA orbit is because it is “adult” literature that obscures
issues and YA story that illuminates them by facing them head on.
*shakes head in
I hope that the
authors above kicked that absurd statement right where it needed to be kicked –
in its “sensible adult” head. Of course, that sensible adult head was probably
in a very dark place as it wrote those words.
YA has been facing
issues that “adult literature” has been avoiding ever since the publication of THE OUTSIDERS (I know SE Hinton didn’t create
YA) but, “…it’s not true that The Outsiders was the first book written for—or
about—teenagers and their problems…Hinton's greatest strength lay in
re-translating all these influences and writing about them through the eyes of
a teenager writing for other teenagers, he writes. In that sense, she did
create YA. At the same time, Hinton's book was received by other teenagers in a
way that indicated there was a market for literature dealing with the teenage
experience, including its dark and difficult parts.”
Science fiction and fantasy does deal directly with issues that adults ignore. The entire HARRY POTTER series begins with child abuse – direct, intentional, and deadly abuse in the form of Voldemort, and un-subtle emotional abuse of Harry by his aunt and uncle, and bullying by his cousin because they feel superior to him and entitled to do with him as they please. (An argument could be made that it was racism as well – but you’d have to answer the question: are witches and wizards a different RACE than muggles? Hmmm…). The end of the HP series reads like an expanded version of IT CAN’T HAPPEN HERE, Sinclair Lewis’ masterpiece of fiction detailing the voluntary fall of the US to a duly elected totalitarian regime, though HP has more to do with Nazism than the sort of the lazy, non-directional regime Lewis imagined (and countless writers have compared with the current administration (as well as GW’s administration…I’ve wondered if democrats are somehow immune to having totalitarian visions, and if so, why.)) It appeared to me that DFL leader are more apt to ignore parts of its constituency (central states and young adults) and suggest, “No, no, you don’t want Bernie Sanders. You REALLY want HC! See, she’s just what you wanted all along.”
YA confronts
issues that old adults ignore by burying themselves in adult SF like Ada Palmer’s
TOO LIKE THE LIGHTNING and feeling superior because of her radical vision of
the future and how it confronts issues boldly but doesn’t really call for any
change in their lives. YAs were dealing with GLBTQ, race, economic, violence, toxic
masculinity, and bullying issues long before adults noticed them and announced
that NOW they would deal with these very important issues. A poke around these
books might give you an idea of what YA’s were reading years ago in which the “issues
have been obscured”. I might also direct you to A WRINKLE IN TIME (1968) (bullying
by both peers and adults); THE CHOCOLATE WAR (1974) (social and class bullying,
classism, terrorism); THE WAVE (1981) (a YA version of Lewis’ book); I’LL GET
THERE. IT BETTER BE WORTH IT (1969) by John Donovan (the first gay teen novel).
End rant, and not
doubting at all that this will irritate one or two people.
On second reading, I realize this is pretty fragmented. I may take this apart more methodically later. For now, there are family issues waiting to be dealt with...
On second reading, I realize this is pretty fragmented. I may take this apart more methodically later. For now, there are family issues waiting to be dealt with...
Resources: Read
more: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-outsiders-didnt-create-ya-fiction-180962967/#HPf6lbp1FLys34Ij.99,
Program Book: https://www.worldcon76.org/images/publications/WC76_PocketProgram_2018_Final_WEB08152018.pdf

January 18, 2019
On Earth, there are three Triads intending to integrate
not only the three peoples and stop the war that threatens to break loose and
slaughter Humans and devastate their world; but to stop the war that consumes
Kiiote economy and Yown’Hoo moral fiber. All three intelligences hover on the
edge of extinction. The merger of Human-Kiiote-Yown’Hoo into a van der Walls Society
might not only save all three – but become something not even they could
predict. Something entirely new...
The young experimental Triads are made up of the smallest
primate tribe of Humans – Oscar and Xiomara; the smallest canine pack of Kiiote
– six, pack leaders Qap and Xurf; and the smallest camelid herd of Yown’Hoo – a
prime eleven, Dao-hi the Herd mother. On nursery farms and ranches away from
the TC cities, Humans have tended young Yown’Hoo and Kiiote in secret for decades,
allowing the two, warring people to reproduce and grow far from their home worlds.
“We had nearly fallen into stagnation when we encountered
the Kiiote.”
“And we into internecine war when we encountered the
“Yown’Hoo and
Kiiote have been defending themselves for a thousand revolutions of our Sun.”
“Together, we
might do something none of us alone might have done…a destiny that included
Yown’Hoo, Kiiote, and Human.” (2/19/2015)
From a pine and oak wood, burst an
immense white-tailed buck, sixteen points of stone-hard, twisted antler bone.
He led his harem that came after him, a thundering animal herd that, for
whatever reason, stirred Dao-hi’s blood, reacting to the buck as if it were a
powerful female. She wanted to follow them and crouched to leap.
An instant later, what she thought
at first was a deformed Earth deer followed the animal herd.
Suddenly she realized what it was
and froze. The potential and the immature dropped to the cold, frozen ground.
The elderly Yown’Hoo, its long fur dragging over the snow, looked at her then
strode, every step difficult, stiffly, the sound of the fur across the snow a
faint hiss. Either she was decrepit or moved with studied dignity. For a
moment, Dao-hi stared, unable to decide which way the creature was moving. The
air was curiously clear, devoid of scent. Dao-hi’s decision flipped back and
forth until the bass voice of a Herd Mother, deeper than any voice she’d heard
on Earth or in recordings, said, “Daughter. Your presence is long-awaited.
Welcome at long, long last.” The scent of authority abruptly swirled in the air
between them. The others rolled onto their sides as if they’d been struck dead.
Dao-hi stepped back, then forced
herself forward and said, “You are clearly a Great Mother, and I acknowledge
your authority, but I…I…have questions.” Startled because she’d never before felt
– much less exhibited – such a confusion of senses.
The Great Mother shook herself,
but so slowly, it was like a groundquake rolled through her body, threatening and
comforting at the same time.
“I am Ji-Hi.”
Dao-hi’s knees went weak and trembled.
She locked the joints, and it was the only thing that prevented her from
falling to the ground in a quivering heap. She managed a hoarse whisper, “You
cannot be Ji-Hi.”
“And yet, I am.”
“The Mother of All would be ten thousand
years old!”
“And I am, child.”
“I am not a child in your sight, I
am an egg!” She fell to her forward knees.
The tentacle the Mother of All
pulled from its sheathe was leathery, dark, and deeply wrinkled. She lifted the
fingers at its tip toward Dao-hi and slowly unfurled them. The Earth-born and
raised Yown’Hoo had seen Humans who had aged this much look as haggard, but
never one of her own kind. In fact, she had rarely seen Yown’Hoo older than
herself. The Mother of All said, “I am not entirely ten thousand of the Earth
years old, DNA.” She shuddered in gentle laughter. “My parts have been regrown
and replaced many times, though this mind has indeed experienced ten thousand
years of events.”
“But how…”
“I do not remember events as you
or your Human and Kiiote partners remember. For one as old as I, memories are
stored in tight coils of DNA then packed in cells that rarely die,” she lifted hoof and bowed her head to show a crown of
Dao-hi’s voice was a whisper, “A
Crown of Wisdom?” She paused, “I thought that was myth?”
“Stolen from the echoes, it gives me memory of what must
be done. It is the reason the Triads were formed. In time, the Triads will
absorb echoes, conjures, and Human demons
alike – the worst into the best. That, my daughter, is the Plan that will save
all three, weaving us into a civilization strong enough to stand against the

January 15, 2019
Each Tuesday, rather than a POSSIBLY
IRRITATING ESSAY, I'd like to both challenge you and lend a helping hand. I
generate more speculative and teen story ideas than I can ever use. My family
rolls its collective eyes when I say, "Hang on a second! I just have to
write down this idea..." Here, I'll include the initial inspiration
(quote, website, podcast, etc.) and then a thought or two that came to mind.
These will simply be seeds -- plant, nurture, fertilize, chemically treat,
irradiate, test or stress them as you see fit. I only ask if you let me know if
anything comes of them.
SF Trope: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AceCustom
(An ace custom is a piece of technology that differs from the normal model due
to being tweaked in order to better fit its user...typically Ace Pilots...)
Current Event: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Hahn,
Zsigmond Alajos
Becskei pursed his lips to stare at the old man in the wheelchair in the distance
and said, “How old did you say he was?”
Sissinnguaq Âviâja,
standing beside him, tapped her tablet computer. The answer popped up in front
of them and she said, “Sixty-one.”
Zsigmond shook his
head, “Looks like he’s a hundred.”
exposure can do that to a person,” she paused, “I think he looks sad.”
Zsigmond snorted, “You’d look old, too if you
were playing with radioactive materials in your backyard when you were sixteen,
Sissinnguaq shook
her head, “We didn’t have back yards in Iceland. They kept getting covered in
volcanic ash.”
“At least you had
something interesting going on in your country. My parents moved here because
they were bored.”
“That’s stupid.”
“You’re stupid.”
“Right,” said Sissinnguaq,
“Maybe we should talk to him before he dies. Like in a couple of minutes.”
“Can’t argue with
that.” Zsigmond swallowed nervously even though he walked along the sidewalk
and up to the nursing home’s security station.
The guard behind
the window looked up and slid the palm scanned under the slot and said, “Name
and purpose.”
Zsigmond hesitated
– this would be the true test of his forgery – and covered it by saying, “I’ve
never seen my grandfather before. What if I want to leave before I have to talk
to him.”
The guard, who’d
been looking bored up to now, shook his head. “Old age ain’t a disease kid.
He’s not contagious. He’s your ma or your pa’s dad. You ain’t gonna catch
Sissinnguaq leaned
and said, “My boyfriend’s not afraid of his grandfather in that way. He’s just
never seen anyone…”
“Save it, girl.
Are you guys going in or are you gonna run away scared like most of the other
“You are an
incredibly rude man,” she said, slapping her hand down on the scanner.
“I didn’t get to
be eighty-three by being a sweetheart.” He looked at Zsigmond, “Either slap the
ID pad or get out of here, kid. I ain’t gettin’ younger.”
Zsigmond sighed and laid his hand on the
scanner. A moment later the guard pulled it back under, looked at the ID and
raised his eyebrows, saying, “Good thing you’re here. I don’t think Dave has
many more days left in him.” He typed at his solid keyboard and the first entry
door swung open. Zsigmond and Sissinnguaq waited for the second door while the
entryway disinfected them. A moment later, the guard said, “Computer says he’s
out in the courtyard.”
“Thanks,” said Zsigmond.
The headed into the nursing home as the door swung slowly inward. He whispered,
“Now if he’ll only be able to remember the last step he screwed up, we can get
the reactor started tonight and blow up the city in the morning...”
Names: ♀ Native, Iceland
; ♂ Hungary
Ideas On Tuesdays

January 13, 2019
Elements of Cron and Korea #5: Broken Characters Waiting To Be Smacked
I may have mentioned that one of my goals is to
increase my writing output, increase my publication rate, and increase the
relevance of my writing. In my WRITING ADVICE column, I had started using an
article my sister sent me by Lisa Cron. She has
worked as a literary agent, TV producer, and story consultant for Warner
Brothers, the William Morris Agency, and others. She is a frequent speaker at
writers’ conferences, and a story coach for writers, educators, and journalists.
I am going to fuse the advice from her book WIRED FOR STORY with my recent trip
to South Korea. Why? I
made a discovery there. You’ll hear more about it in the future as I work to
integrate what I’m learning from the book, the startling things I found in South
Korea, and try and alter how I write in order to create characters that people will
care about, characters that will speak the Truth, and characters that will
clearly illustrate what I’m writing about.
“Remember when Luke has to drop the bomb into
the small vent on the Death Star? The story writer faces a similar challenge of
penetrating the brain of the reader. This book gives the blueprints.” – David
“The reader
expects that the protagonist will be flawed and vulnerable – never, ever ‘perfect.’
“Story is about
how the protagonist changes, internally – which means that your protagonist
can’t be perfect when she steps onto the page, because then why would she need
to change? Yet writers often fear that if the protagonist isn’t perfect – read:
socially acceptable – she won’t be likeable.
“The irony is that
what makes us likeable isn’t being perfect, what makes
us likeable is the fact that we’re vulnerable, that we don’t always know
the ‘right answer’ to everything. Vulnerability is endearing, and what allows
us to relate to the protagonist; perfection is off putting. In fact, ‘perfect’
people tend to raise red flags with us. We know that no one is ever that
perfect, so we begin to wonder, hmmm, what’s she hiding?
“Ask yourself:
Where is my protagonist vulnerable? How is she reading the world wrong? What
belief does she hold that the plot will force her to reconsider? What will she
need to realize in order to change?”
So, anyone who
reads this blog knows I’m a Christian. Christians writing in the speculative
fiction field are odd ducks – though one of my favorite has a quote emblazoned
above. Others are less obvious, but present nonetheless, so I know I’m not alone.
How does this
relate to the idea that “what makes us likeable isn’t being perfect, what makes
us likeable is the fact that we’re vulnerable”? I’m going to go on a tangent
for a moment and recall a T-shirt I first saw forty-one years ago:
While the meme
comes up when you do a Google search, I’ve yet to see this T-shirt ON anyone
any more. It’s like the concept of Christians being perfect has taken
precedence. Admittedly, it’s not foisted off on us. There are Christians who
ACT as if they are perfect and not forgiven. Though if you asked one about it,
they would of course dissemble and say that of COURSE they’re not perfect. They
just act that way.
“Christian” has
also gotten tangled with “Conservative” and “Republican” so much that it seems
that if you ARE a Christian, there’s either an expectation or a demand that you
be a “conservative Republican”.
And yet…Jesus Himself
was neither. His politics: “Render unto [the] Caesar that which is [the] Caesar’s,
and unto God that which is God’s.” (Matt 22:21; Mark 12:17; Luke 20:25).
His actions regarding
social justice (among other things): “…the Samaritan woman said to Him, ‘How is
it that You, being a Jew, ask me for a drink since I am a Samaritan woman?’…His
disciples came, and they were amazed that He had been speaking with a woman…”
(John 4:7-38) and “…When the scribes of the Pharisees saw that He was eating
with the sinners and tax collectors, they said to His disciples, ‘Why is He
eating and drinking with tax collectors and sinners?’” (Mark 2:16).
Note (as you read
further), Jesus didn’t call them sinners. He DID call them sick. We’re all sick
in some way. As a counselor in training, a requirement of the degree was to
book a session or two with a professional counselor – to see what it was like to
sit on “the other side of the couch”.
The perception of
Christians being perfect – and therefore both unable to be characters in
stories as well as people that cannot be talked to – has become a deeply
embedded meme.
So – what can I do
with that? I can have Christians in my stories who are far from perfect and
deeply in need of healing. I can have Christians in my stories who are like me
and most of the Christians I know – normal. Everyone has wounds and challenges.
In fact, the school I work at has started looking at something called “the
trauma informed school” – as in, we need to realize that SOME of our students
have experienced trauma. I have known students whose parents have been murdered
in front of them; who have seen executions in refugee camps; who have witnessed
the rape of their mother. In fact, a study that began looking at why some people
are INCREDIBLY fat ended up discovering that virtually all behaviors can be
traced back to some kind of traumatic event (not ALL trauma has to be of the
variety above).
It’s called ACES –
the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. A simplified version can give
therapists, teachers, and even parents of adoptive children, some sense of how
to deal with behaviors a child (or coworker or pastor or teacher) exhibits. EVERYONE
has an ACES score, even the most well-adjusted of us. In fact, taking it
yourself (as in “Why I do what I do is no one else’s business!”) can even give
you insight when looking for New Year’s Resolutions…
At any rate,
Christians will ALSO score on ACES. We are NOT perfect, only forgiven…and perhaps
that is the message I need to work on in my writing, as well as creating
engaging characters who work through difficult situations with flawed
personalities. Even the Bible mentions that Christians have to “work out your
salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12). If that’s not a prescription
for making an interesting character that creates plot (what the character DOES)
and story (how the character REACTS), I don’t know what is.
Writing Advice

January 11, 2019
MARTIAN HOLIDAY 139: Aster of Opportunity
On a well-settled Mars, the five major city Council regimes
struggle to meld into a stable, working government. Embracing an official
Unified Faith In Humanity, the Councils are teetering on the verge of pogrom
directed against Christians, Molesters , Jews, Rapists,
Buddhists, Murderers, Muslims, Thieves, Hindu, Embezzlers and Artificial
Humans – anyone who threatens the official Faith and the consolidating power of
the Councils. It makes good sense, right – get rid of religion and Human divisiveness
on a societal level will disappear? An instrument of such a pogrom might just
be a Roman holiday...To see the rest of the chapters and I’m sorry, but a number
of them got deleted from the blog – go to SCIENCE FICTION: Martian Holiday on
the right and scroll to the bottom for the first story. If you’d like to read
it from beginning to end (100,000+ words as of now), drop me a line and I’ll
send you the unedited version.
“What’s vo’Maddux’s plan?”
“To become First Consort initially.
Then to become Mayor-for-Life.”
Aster narrowed her gaze and leaned
forward. “Over my dead body.”
Fardus leaned closer and whispered into
her ear, “She’d have to step over mine as well.” She leaned back, “Most likely
another part of her plan includes stepping over the boy of Etaraxis Ginunga-Gap
as well.” She feigned a faint, adding in a papery voice, “He was so young to
die of such a simple thing as a heart attack.” Aster couldn’t help but smother
her guffaw.
The two women sat back as their drinks
arrived. They toasted as if they were celebrating their friendship, but anyone
who glanced at their faces would have shivered at the cold, calculating gleam
in the eyes of both of the women.
Then they would have felt their hearts
quail in fear.
surveying the Middle-of-the-Road for obvious eavesdroppers, FardusAH said, “We have
to get the Orphan’s Ball stuff moving. Fast. We have four weeks until the event
and we need to find some really cute orphans – and some really cute, really
young Artificial Humans.”
made a noise, “Are there very young Artificial Humans?” FardusAH pursed her
lips, hesitating. Aster’s gaze narrowed. “Is it something I might find
revolting or something that make me angry and do something rash?”
latter. That’s why you’re going to have to trust me on this one. I can get cute,
young Artificial Humans, but you have to take it on faith that they are neither
illegal nor coerced.”
good at that faith stuff – not the United one in which only part of the Humans
on Mars can fully participate. You know, that ancient ‘separate but equal’
You can’t be serious! You-fee practices apartheid?”
shrugged, “You notice that You-fee only banned Christians, Molesters , Jews,
Rapists, Buddhists, Murderers, Muslims, Thieves, Hindu, and Embezzlers. It wasn’t
specific about – though if you ask around, they’ll tell you that ‘of course it
implies that You-fee is against them – racists, sexists, or any other kind of ‘-ists’’
They’ll swear that’s what it means – but the honest ones will admit that it is not
stated the same way the injunction against your type is spelled out.”
stared at the lovely echeveria skin of her friend and opened her mouth to
reply. She leaned closer, “How long have you known?”
smiled, “Your father is well known among Artificial Humans in the underground.”
The smile faded, “Not all of them trust him, figuring he’s got an angle or he’s
working for vo’Maddux…”
dad?” Aster breathed. Then she leaned back and shortly nodded. “I’d have never
seen it before Etaraxis called me to be his consort, but what goes on up in the
Pylon is more closely related to Roman Court intrigues than in Twenty-fourth
Century politics.” She thought for a bit, then said, “We’re going to have to be
not only sneaky, but we’re going to have to start playing the shell game.”
frowned. “What’s that?”
looked down at the table, then got three ‘sauce’ cups from the bartender. She
took a ground nut and held it out. “I’m going to place the ground nut under one
of the cups then shuffled them. I want you to guess which cup has the nut.” She
shuffled the cups, then stopped. “Where is the nut?”
studied them, then touched the one on her left. Aster flipped it over. “Nothing
there! If we’d been playing for credit, you’d have lost.”
FardusAH said, “Flip over the other two.” With a wide grin, Aster did. “None of
them had the nut! I would have lost no matter which I chose!”
caught her eye then leaned forward, FardusAH mirroring her stance. Aster
whispered, “The game is called a confidence trick, or a ‘con’. The nut is here.”
She opened her fist. “I slipped it out while I was shuffling the cups.”
“If you were going to say ‘cheating’, that’s not entirely true. Every gamble requires taking a risk. But if the con artist is good enough, they can make the gambler believe whatever they want them to believe.” She leaned closer, “That’s why a good con takes lots of planning – and inside people.”
“If you were going to say ‘cheating’, that’s not entirely true. Every gamble requires taking a risk. But if the con artist is good enough, they can make the gambler believe whatever they want them to believe.” She leaned closer, “That’s why a good con takes lots of planning – and inside people.”
FardusAH leaned back, studying the Mayoral
Consort. After several moments, she said, “Remind my never to play against you
in poker.” With a mirrored nod, they stood up and headed to their separate

January 8, 2019
Each Tuesday, rather than a POSSIBLY
IRRITATING ESSAY, I'd like to both challenge you and lend a helping hand. I
generate more speculative and teen story ideas than I can ever use. My family
rolls its collective eyes when I say, "Hang on a second! I just have to
write down this idea..." Here, I'll include the initial inspiration
(quote, website, podcast, etc.) and then a thought or two that came to mind.
These will simply be seeds -- plant, nurture, fertilize, chemically treat,
irradiate, test or stress them as you see fit. I only ask if you let me know if
anything comes of them.
H Trope: The
Adjectival Man
Current Event: http://ktla.com/2013/08/08/suspect-in-murder-of-fontana-father-commits-suicide/#axzz2dD6in844
Ajdin Paixão shook
his head and said, “Are you sure we should be here?”
Magdalena Aggrawal made
a face – as if she’d accidentally bitten into an orange that had been sitting
on a warm shelf in a closed refrigerator for three weeks. “’course. You
“Yes. Very.”
Magdalena – who did NOT go by “Maggie, Meg, or any other American
abbreviation of my name” – shook her head. “What’s the worst thing that can
“The worst? It turns out that The Creeping Man is real and he’s mad at us
for spying on his private life.”
Magdalena snorted. “It’s not like he can run us down. That’s why he’s
called The Creeping Man.”
Ajdin glanced to either side then lifted his chin at the clean, dark lab in
front of them. “It’s not like monsters usually inhabit science labs. They’re
more associated with dungeons with dripping water and cobwebs.”
She snorted again, “This might as well be a dungeon. I don’t think I’ve
seen a bar or restaurant since we started school.”
His voice lowered as he muttered, “Not like I haven’t tried...”
She slugged him just as the sound of a heavy object, like a refrigerator or
a filing cabinet ground loudly across the plastic sealed concrete floor. Filing
cabinets having gone extinct decades earlier – even their fossil-of-a-professor
only had two in his office – that left only one of the lab’s six refrigerators.
Magdalena whispered, “He lives under a refrigerator?”
“If you were The
Creeping Man, where would you live?”
“In a penthouse
“That would make
Creeping really difficult, don’t you think?”
“Shut up!” she
stood up, peering over the lab table, Ajdin mirroring her every move.
The Creeping Man
saw them the instant they saw him. He was emerging from under a fridge which
was tipped back as if it was glued to the trapdoor The Creeping Man held up
with one hand. He squeaked a wet, gargled exclamation, lurching forward,
releasing the trapdoor with the refrigerator attached to it.
It slammed down,
cutting him in half, spattering blood and entrails and gore on to the
refrigerator’s white surface and across the gray floor.
screamed, “We killed him!” Ajdin stared then gagged as The Creeping Man – or
rather half of him – began to creep across the lab’s floor toward them…
Names: ♀
Liechtenstein, Portugal; ♂ Bosnia/Herzegovina, India
Image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh2-arXKTiwzTybeiZ-IjR8P9j_aP2vqKXJulRCqqk_e42EoyXriDrQffp-dV_b96wQqLf5Y-M9XYpYkS4Lpz0PJvQcjGfHXS3M8QSPWCq9l9UURqlah0AR2TAlNeS4yX_NR2arOLIZVuY/s1600/2212_1025142570.jpg
Ideas On Tuesdays

January 6, 2019
Slice of PIE: Near Future Fiction – How Do You Write It When Everything’s Changing?
Using the Program Guide of the World Science
Fiction Convention in San Jose, California in August 2018 (to which I will be
unable to go (until I retire from education)), I will jump off, jump on, rail
against, and shamelessly agree with the BRIEF DESCRIPTION given in the pdf copy
of the Program Guide. The link is provided below where this appeared on page 59…
Keeping Ahead of
Tomorrow: Near Future Fiction
How do you
successfully write near future fiction when reality is constantly catching up? Is
it meant to be predictive? A warning? Can your story avoid becoming dated?
Panelists explore stories, books, and authors that have done this successfully,
as well as the techniques that make it work.
John Scalzi: Mr. “Whatever”
himself! No one is more opinionated and expressive than this writer. His books
are fun, thought-provoking, and apt to take a critical look at our future as a
Sarah Pinsker:
Speculative fiction writer and musician, she is also a fellow CODEXIAN.
Linda Nagata:
Incomparable writer of science fiction. While I’ve only read her short work,
she’s fantastic.
Annalee Newitz: Co-founder
of i09. Nothing more needs to be said.
Qiufan: Chinese
speculative fiction writer.
The perfect group
As I wasn’t there
and we’re getting farther and farther from the event, I’m going to restrict my
comments to what I’ve been trying to do with my own writing.
I know I’m not
extensively published, but as regards my SF, I have been exploring ideas close
to me. In particular, I wrote a short story about one way we might assist
Alzheimer’s patients. As my father is currently in memory care facility, I wanted
to explore ways we might better care for people like him.
So I tried to
imitate the first “real” science fiction writer I ever read: Ray Bradbury. His “There
Will Come Soft Rains” left a deep impression on my as a thirteen-year-old, so
when I wanted to look at an idea that involved an “intelligent house”, his
story was the first place I went to.
“And After Soft
Rains, Daisies” was my attempt to show what it might be like to use an AI room
to care for an Alzheimer’s patient. A session I’d attended on dealing with my
dad had suggested that when you’re dealing with someone who has memory
challenges, you should just “go with their perceptions”. So if Dad started
talking as if he was living at one of his old homes, I was supposed to just act
as if we were talking about that time period.
Needless to say, it’s
hard to talk with Dad when he talks as if my mother is still living. I sort of
refuse to do that…It’s also difficult to tell him that he can’t leave the memory
care unit. My attempt at the story is here: https://faithandsciencefiction.blogspot.com/2018/05/possibly-irritating-essay-and-today.html
Haven’t sold it,
never will as it’s posted on my blog (duh!) and that counts as published.
near-future story is out in submission (one rejection so far, from
Clarkesworld), but it came out of my three week sojourn in South Korea with my
son, his wife, and my grandkids. The South Koreans I met and the museums I
visited…as well as “how” they live, and their tenacity (South Korea was within
HOURS of being annihilated when the United States, along with other UN
countries, finally quit dithering and stepped into Six Two Five (in reference
to the day North Korea invaded, June 25, 1950) at the very last instant when
the North Koreans reached something call the Pusan Perimeter. I was there,
standing on the part of the bridge that was intentionally blown up (and later
replaced -- that's my DIL, son, and grandkids passing over the very spot...) where the UN stopped North Korea, China, and Russia) – lead me to
believe…well, hopefully the story will see print and then you can read it
Of my other near-future
ideas, one looked at infiltrating North Korea with meme-carrying cardboard
cockroaches (of course, the Chinese and Russians had the same idea); another tempted
a young tribal chief to use biological warfare against North and South Dakota;
another still looked at the impact of aliens snatching Humans and using them in
First Contact situations – after providing us with the plans for micro-fusion
reactors. The understanding is that we are in debt to the intelligences who
gave them to us. And the governments KNOW…
Anyway, I love
speculating on technology in the near future – now I just have to figure out
how to present my ideas so I can sell them!
Program Book: https://www.worldcon76.org/images/publications/WC76_PocketProgram_2018_Final_WEB08152018.pdf
Image: Taken in South Korea, August 2018
A Slice of PIE -- Brief Essays

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