June 12, 2021

Finished My 200,000 Word Novel Yesterday...MARTIAN HOLIDAY...that is all


Take four characters from the Bible: Queen Esther; Daniel (his real name) and Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego (their Persian names); Steven the Martyr; and Paul the Apostle...

Put them on Mars in the 24th Century.

Add Artificial Intelligence, Human Clones (who are shades of blue to keep them separated...), and an underground.

Toss in Martian artifacts that point to extraterrestrials once having been stranded there...

Then outlaw Old Organized Religions and replace it with the Unified Faith in Humanity and have a bit of harassment going on...

And you have MARTIAN HOLIDAY...(PS - The word "holiday" has another definition linked to the Roman Empire...)

This is IT for today (oh, my foster-daughter got married yesterday, too!

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